Altium Designer TIPs & TRICKs: Cách chỉnh màu cho các đường mạch trên Altium!
See What's New Altium Designer 20

Editing traces to improve signal integrity can be time consuming, especially when you have to edit individual arcs and serpentine tuning. This is why Altium Designer 20 incorporates a new gloss engine and advanced push and shove capabilities to help speed up this process so you can improve your productivity.

Learn more Altium Designer 20 at PCB GraphTech website.

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Altium Designer TIPs & TRICKs: Cách chỉnh màu cho các đường mạch trên Altium!
PCB GraphTech Vietnam Co., LTD, Nguyễn Ngọc Thanh 2 tháng 12, 2019
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Schematic Dynamic Data Model
See What's New Altium Designer 20