Altium Designer TIPs & TRICKs: Cách chỉnh màu cho các đường mạch trên Altium!
See What's New Altium Designer 20

High speed signals create electromagnetic fields that can cause cross talk, data errors or be radiated unless proper return paths are provided. Proper return paths allow noise currents to return to ground through very low impedance, eliminating the problems. Altium Designer 20 will monitor return paths and check return path integrity of all reference polygons so that you won’t have to manually do it.

Learn more Altium Designer 20 at PCB GraphTech website.

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Altium Designer TIPs & TRICKs: Cách chỉnh màu cho các đường mạch trên Altium!
PCB GraphTech Vietnam Co., LTD, Nguyễn Ngọc Thanh 2 tháng 12, 2019
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New Schematic Enhancements
See What's New Altium Designer 20